You? I Like You. I Always Click the Weird-Looking Button Too.

Thanks for finding my website easter egg. As a reward, how about a few jokes? (Go ahead and steal them. You’ll be the talk of the watercooler).
Why did the computer show up at work late? It had a hard drive.
How does a computer get drunk? It takes “screenshots.”
Person 1: Do you know how to use Outlook? Person 2: As a matter of fact, I Excel at it. Person 1: Was that a Microsoft Office pun? Person 2: Word.
My computer suddenly started belting out “Someone Like You.” It’s a Dell.
And Now, Here Are Some Other Reasons We Are Awesome …
- We’re a majority-minority IT company. We don’t just value diversity and inclusion, we aggressively recruit and hire people from diverse backgrounds.
- We screen our vendors annually using a diversity, equity, and inclusion interview, and we work with our vendors regularly to improve their policies and accomplishments in these areas.
- We prefer to attract many people and repulse some others than to be vaguely acceptable to everybody.