IT Service for What's Next

AI is changing the world, will your MSP leave you vulnerable?
Get In Touch

The Right IT Team Shouldn’t Drain Your Bottom Line. It Should Boost It.

We don’t just fix stuff when it breaks (though we’re really, really good at that too). As an IT consultant and virtual CIO, we plug into your business and work side by side with your leadership team to think constructively for your business and ensure you have the right IT infrastructure in place to meet your goals. That means going beyond keeping things up and running — we’re also looking for opportunities to help you lower costs, work more efficiently, and stay ahead of the curve.

What We Do

VOIP Phone Services

VoIP Phone Systems

Help Desk

Project Management

IT Project Management

Internet Service

Internet Services


IT Equipment & Supplies

Cloud Services

Cloud Services

VOIP Phone Services

VoIP Phone Systems

Help Desk

Help Desk

Project Management

IT Project Management

Internet Service

Internet Services


IT Equipment & Supplies

Cloud Services

Cloud Services

Who We Help

Small Businesses
Small Businesses

Feedback That’s as Real as Our Tech Support

“IT Assurance has never let me down! Anytime I have one of my questions you respond immediately and the issue is resolved. You guys rock!” -Sherwood R.

“Colby…I appreciate that you always go above and beyond for us. Thanks again!” -Gloria W.

“Even though the issue wasn’t fully resolved, Kevin was very understanding and helpful. I appreciate their time, communication, and confirmation of the issue so that I can work with my manager to get this resolved on our end.” -Natasha C.

“Joey helped me setup a new email on short notice … It’s hugely helpful when things keep moving even under tight deadlines. Thank you.” -Cerise P.

“I love being told I ask very good questions even when I think they are lame … thank you!” -Kymberli C.

“Professional. Knowledgeable. Thorough. Superior follow through.” – Lynda W.

“Heather went though a step by step process to figure out the problem and clearly explained the reasons for each step. She was able to diagnose and repair the problem quickly. Great job!” -Kevin S.

“You all continue to be amazing while dealing with issues that pop up, no matter how big or small the issues are. THANK YOU!” -Leila D.

Meet Zac

HGIC (Head Geek in Charge)

For most business owners, IT is a source of stress and dread. I’m on a mission to change that.

Hi! My name is Zac. It’s short for Zachary, but not spelled Zach or Zack. Some people wonder why, and the answer is arcade video games! When I got a high score on an arcade game, the game would ask for my initials. Clever child that I was, I realized that with a little ingenuity, I could just use my first name (ZAC), and it stuck for life.

I’ve always been passionate about helping people and tinkering with computers (and the occasional video game). When I graduated from college, I was excited to enter the IT field. But I quickly became frustrated when I found myself working for people who only cared about money instead of treating their employees and their customers well. The text-speak WTH? wasn’t a thing back then, but it’s safe to say I muttered its analog equivalent.

I knew I could do better, so I started IT Assurance in 2007. And every day since, we’ve been fueled by three guiding principles: Helping customers succeed. Prioritizing humility and teamwork. Promoting based on merit. And so far, it’s worked. Over more than a decade, we’ve helped make the lives of employees, and the lives of our partner companies, better.

Zac IT Assurance